Writings and Rants

Commercial Days

I worked for over 15 years shoot­ing com­mer­cial work for clients rang­ing from indi­vid­ual clients to for­tune 500 com­pa­nies. Some excit­ing work, some flat out bor­ing, it seems like i shot a lit­tle of every­thing. I con­sid­ered myself a trades­man pho­tog­ra­pher and I shot “FILM” using a 4x5 View Cam­era and medium for­mat Has­sel­blads and 35mm Nikons too. I was very good at it but I wasn’t “great”, and I felt like no one really cared who did the work in the end. I was ready to move on.

For­tu­nately I was think­ing ahead, I was always work­ing on the next step, pay­ing atten­tion, keep­ing my eyes peeled! I like to say “one day the stars aligned” and I stum­bled into this new medium merging my photos and dig­i­tal paint­ing. It com­bined all of the skills I had been devel­op­ing all along!

Here are a few sam­ples from my “bread & but­ter” days:


These were shot for the USPS “Cel­e­brate the Cen­tury” Series (2001):

Com­mer­cial Clients included: United States Postal Ser­vice, Out­side Mag­a­zine, Amer­i­can Heart Asso­ci­a­tion, Wash­ing­ton Post Mag­a­zine, Nabisco Foods, Planters Peanuts, JC Pen­ney, Runner’s World Mag­a­zine, Dis­cov­ery On-Line, Fila Sport…

Com­mer­cial Clients included: United States Postal Ser­vice, Out­side Mag­a­zine, Amer­i­can Heart Asso­ci­a­tion, Wash­ing­ton Post Mag­a­zine, Nabisco Foods, Planters Peanuts, JC Pen­ney, Runner’s World Mag­a­zine, Dis­cov­ery On-Line, Fila Sports­wear, Time-Life Books, Van­ity Fair Mag­a­zine, Forbes Mag­a­zine, DreamWorks Pic­tures, HBO, LG Elec­tron­ics, Gate­way Com­put­ers and Amer­ica On-Line.

Emmanuel Karabetis